Sunday, April 5, 2009

Monsters vs Aliens' Monster Cast

I took my eight year old daughter out this morning to see the 10am session of Monsters vs Aliens, Dreamwork's latest 3D animated feature. I picked a few of the voices but when I saw the credits roll past at the end (GIANT credits I might add!) I knew almost all the names. It was this that lead me to make this list characters-to-actors so you too can see just who was in the film. You should go and see it by the way, quite entertaining with plenty of monster movie/sci fi in-jokes (there's even a Wilhelm Scream) including a hilarious Close Encounters homage with a genuine Yamaha DX/7 synth.

Susan Murphy/Ginormica - voiced by Reese Witherspoon

B.O.B - voiced by Seth Rogen

Dr. Cockroach Ph.D. - voiced by Hugh Laurie

The Missing Link - voiced by Will Arnett

General W.R. Monger - voiced by Kiefer Sutherland

Gallaxhar - voiced by Rainn Wilson

President Hathaway - voiced by Stephen Colbert

Derek Dietl - voiced by Paul Rudd

Wendy Murphy - voiced by Julie White

Carl Murphy - voiced by Jeffrey Tambor

Spaceship Computer - voiced by Amy Poehler

News Reporter - voiced by Ed Helms

Katie - voiced by Renée Zellweger

Cuthbert - voiced by John Krasinski

This is the 3D Super Bowl trailer for the film: