Monday, January 5, 2009

Doctor Who Is That Guy?

Ever since David Tennant announced that the 2008 series of Doctor Who would be his last, rumours have been flying around the internets about who will take his place as the quirky and near-indestructible Time Lord. So whacky were these rumours that some people believed that Catherine Zeta Jones would be the next doctor.

Well the rumours were put to rest when it was announced during the BBC special "Doctor Who Confidential - The Eleventh Doctor" that Matt Smith (Party Animals) will be taking over as the alien with two hearts when the series returns in 2010.

Matt Smith is the youngest actor to play the ancient Doctor, who will be in his eleventh regeneration when Smith takes over, and was himself only told he'd be the new Doctor at Christmas.

This year David Tennant will star in a few specials similar to the recent Christmas Special which had the cheeky title of "The Next Doctor" and will obviously have to be in some kind of peril by the end of the year in order for Smith to take over.

Amusingly Doctor Who has used the psuedonym "Mr Smith" quite a few times recently.

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