Monday, October 27, 2008

Ninja Scroll Gets Real

I appears that Hollywood is getting tired of remaking Japanese horror movies and Spanish thrillers and has moved on to elsewhere for their source of "new" ideas. Coming to a theatre near you in the next few years are remakes of Anime classics Battle Angel Alita, Akira and Astro Boy and you can now add one more to the list.

Today Warner Brothers announced that they have acquired the rights to, and will be making a live action remake of, Ninja Scroll. IMDb's plot outline for the original reads, "A ninja-for-hire is forced into fighting an old nemesis who is bent on overthrowing the Japanese government. His nemesis is also the leader of a group of demons each with superhuman powers."

I'm not sure how Warner Bros. will tackle some of the scenes from the anime like the giant rock-man raping the poisoned ninja girl or the naked woman whose snake tattoos spring to life and writhe around her body or the endless limb slicing and body hacking. Either they make an R Rated film which the fanboys will poo poo and won't make much money or they make a PG film which the fanboys will poo poo but will make a lot of money... hmmm.

I'll keep my eyes on this one.

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