Anyway, sometimes the joke goes to0 far and ends up biting you in the clacker-valve. An example of this is the recent Fringe Festival play based on the Beaconsfield Mine Collapse. It was originally titled "Beaconsfield: A Musical In A Flat Minor" but after the pun police arrived on the scene the playwright was forced to drop the "A Flat Minor" from the title. The pun police stated that it was due to the title being in bad taste however it was a good pun (is there such a thing?).
Well, I got this "news item" from Tim today regarding the current global financial climate...
Following the problems with Lehmann Bros and the sub-prime lending market in the USA, uncertainty has now hit Japan.
In the last 7 days Origami Bank has folded, Sumo Bank has gone belly up, and Bonsai Bank announced plans to cut some of its branches.
Yesterday, it was announced that Karaoke Bank is up for sale and will likely go for a song, while today shares in Kamikaze Bank were suspended after they nose-dived.
While Samurai Bank is soldiering on following sharp cutbacks, Ninja Bank is reported to have taken a hit, but they remain in the black.
Furthermore, 500 staff at Karate Bank got the chop, and analysts report that there is something fishy going on at Sushi Bank where it is feared that staff may get a raw deal. And, I understand that assets at Hara-Kiri Bank have been slashed repeatedly.
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