Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sony's 0.3mm Super-Thin OLED Screen

While the LCD manufacturers are having a wang-measuring contest with their slim displays Sony comes out with this OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) prototype that just blows everyone away.

Because OLED doesn't require any backlight like LCD the screen can be as thin as, well, the screen!

The screen in this image is that paper-thin (literally!), slightly bent thing in the glass case. Of course what we can't see is the power source and other bits and pieces like a TV tuner but it's cool nonetheless.

OLED's biggest hold-back at the moment is the size, especially when plasmas and LCDs are past the 100" mark (that's 2.5 meters diagonally) but it's just a matter of time before things get bigger and less expensive. That said OLED gives amazing contrast as well as very little power consumption.

More screen bending photos over at Engadget.

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