Thursday, October 30, 2008

Windows 7 Will Do Stuff

Sorry for the day-late post but here's where you can get all you need to know about the new version of Windows, Windows 7. To me it looks like a point release for Vista but then again, it's not out for another year so who knows what'll happen between now and then.

Some highlights:

The icon-only items in the taskbar, which is now very square looking, are highlighted with a dynamic colour based on the main colour in the icon.

The Sidebar is gone and gadgets are now dumped on the desktop.

Hovering over an item in the taskbar brings that application into focus by making the other windows transparent (kind of like switching to it without switching to it). You can also do this with the Desktop so you can see your gadgets without having to minimize everything.

Supports up to 256 CPUs but can run on a pissy little eePC's CPU plus new DirectX enhancements means 50% less memory usage for the UX.

Lots more Windows 7 info can be found over on Long Zheng's blog.

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