Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Metallica vs Guitar Hero: You Decide

Further to my post the other day about the new Metallica album sounding better on Guitar Hero than the CD comes this easy to hear/see side-by-side comparison of the two (video below).

Ted Jensen, head engineer at Sterling Sound, who mastered the album, allegedly responded to fan concerns, writing "I’m not proud to be associated with this one, and we can only hope that some good will come from this in some form of backlash against volume above all else." Ouch!

Anyway, thanks to NME comes the previously mentioned video where YouTube user florixg has dropped the level of the CD mix to sound about the same volume as the Guitar Hero mix. Florixg switches between the two sources during a rather heavy solo making the horrible mess of the CD (in comparison) quite apparent, most noticeably in the drums. Remember, this is comparing the mixes, not whether you like Metallica or not.

Which mix do you prefer?

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