Friday, September 26, 2008

What Scared You As A Kid?

My 3 year old son is literally scared s*itless of Monster House. I can't even highlight the icon in MediaPortal without him running out of the room screaming let alone actually start the movie. Of course it must be the scary possessed house that freaks him out or the fact that said house eats pretty much everyone in the movie. Actually, it's neither. It's the old guy who yells at the little girl at the start (that's his ugly mug above left).

Kids are scared of the weirdest things. When you think they'd be scared of something they'll surprise you and not bat an eyelid but then there are those occassions where something ordinary makes their bowels loosen and the tear duct flood gates open.

An old school friend of mine told me once (in confidence) that he used to hide behind the couch when the people-in-a-suit cow came on Fat Cat. Two people in a black and white spotted sheet and a fake cow head gave him the heeby jeebies. I'm sure you've got some weird phobia from something you saw as a kid.

Well, BabbleBaby have written up a list of the 26 most disturbing kids movies of ever, with Monster House proudly showing at #22 although there's no mention of Fat Cat... but that's probably due to it being a TV show and not at all disturbing, except to my old school friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so true! I had a cow-related weird phobia as a child too. My mom and gramma bought me a little toy cow, that was battery operated. If you clapped your hands it would walk and moo. Apparently I cried hysterically everytime that thing looked up and mooed at me.