Monday, September 1, 2008

Your 110" 1080p Setup Still Sucks

It seems that in today's gadget society the manufacturers are trying to make smaller projectors and larger TVs. Of course the large TV thing has been going on for a while (I remember when my dad got our huge 68cm Philips TV back in the day) but now it's got to be big and high resolution and for those suckers who thought 1080p was the be-all and end-all, think again.

Digital cinema has used 4K for a while (4,000-odd pixel wide display) but now it's coming to a home near you with Panasonic displaying (pun!) this gigantic 150" (3.8 meter) plasma TV at IFA running at a crazy 2,160 x 4,096 pixels.

The good news that this isn't just a pipe-dream like the 8K display we saw earlier in the year as these behemoths are going into production around May 2009, that's only 8 months away. Of course you'll need to sell off your house (and family) to afford one but imagine what it'd look like under the bridge you'll be living beneath.

This time last year the "biggest" non-projected display was a measly 103" plasma and can be seen in the image above/left being dwarfed by its giant little brother.

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