Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ninja Gaiden II Rocks

I must admit I haven't played a Ninja Gaiden game before but last night I had a go of the Ninja Gaiden II demo and I'll tell you now, this game kicks ass. It looks pretty and is easy to handle (initially) but it's the sheer sense of power you feel both through Ryu's ninja actions and the high tempo, percussive music that makes it so much fun. Damn, if I had the money and it was available I'd be down at EB haggling to buy it right now!

It's gory as hell with limbs and blood going everywhere (watch as Ryu shakes the blood from his weapon after a fight) and in typical movie-style action form the bad guys often wait their turn for you to chop them to bits. Just watch out for that guy with one arm and one leg on the ground as he might just jump on your back and have a go at you.
The levels are pretty straight forward with only one path to follow and you can't "accidentally" jump off a balcony 500 meters up a building set in a weird mash of fuedal Japan and future Japan but that means you can concentrate on "flippin' 'n' sh*t" without fear of tumbling to your death.
I hope to play the full game one day soon... obviously when the kids are in bed.

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