posted a video to
YouTube over a year ago of me doing some mediocre stunt work in Electronic Art's "Modern Warfare" game
Battlefield 2. Since then I have received varying degrees of responses from a simple pleasant "nod" to complete and utter rage. The majority are simple one-liner abuse along the lines of "noob" or "gay" but some people take the time out to really say what they're thinking.
The how and why of the video is irrelevant, just know this: I made it ages ago, it has been on YouTube for over a year, it's harmless.
OK, now we get to peer into the mind of your average YouTube (and
average is the word!) user. We all know that YouTube is becoming a replacement for regular television but I get the feeling some people are taking it too far.I like to swear at the TV as much as the next guy when
something mind-numbingly stupid is showing and I think it's this "yelling at the idiot on telly" that now comes across into the comments section on YouTube.
Here are some sample comments
you just would NOT say to someone's face:
Doommakers said a year ago, "
my 11 y/o bro flies a way better than this, and he just started playin like 2 months ago". I guess that means now that his 12 year old brother can fly better than me. Maybe his brother is just really good at it like the
8 year old Guitar Hero kid.
daygo80 said around the same time, "
that was terible crapy flyin u wrecked, way to suck dude". Heartwarming to say the least, nice spelling too.
Remixmaung steps it up a notch with "
This Vid is SH*T ~~ Sh*tty Pliot and Sh*tty StuntsPeace Out! Sh*t out! ". I'm not entirely sure what he was trying to say... ahwell. [I edited the comment so it makes it through corporate networks and sh*t].
keeevan cooled things down a little with the informative "
use rudder in the same direction your turning, when u dont the nose of thje airplane tends to slide during the beggining of the turn". Thanks keeevan.
dmkmonkey also lets some (un)helpful information fly with "
Why spend your time pretending to fly, when if you like it so much, pay for some flying lesson's ". Other than giving the
Apostrophe Protection Society a call, last I checked you can't fly a real plane from your desk.
But the comment that pushed me to write this entry came in earlier today from
64thAGGRESSOR with this lovely comment, "
are you really that stupid, does bf2 just gather every f*cking idiot in the world, even a f*cking noob knows its called a j-10 the z-10 is the attack heli, bf2 has been out for almost 6 years and yet there are still monkeys playing keep up the noobish behavior and I will see you at the end of my mg36 ". I think this guy needs a promotion to 1stAGGRESSOR. Seriously, does anyone care what it's called? Perhaps we need another world war to give some perspective to people who get so wound up over trivialities.
So there you go, a tasty sample of the great minds of this world. I have grave doubts we, the human race, will be making it through the next century.
Read all the abuse and supportive words helping me defend against the abuse
here and in Remixmaung's words,
Peace Out! Sh*t out!