Movieweb is reporting on a blog update over at the production's website from visual effects superviser Charles Gibson who talks about the challenges he's facing working with McG and how this film is going to be quite energetic.
If you saw the flashback sequences in The Sarah Connor Chronicles episode Dungeons & Dragons you might get an idea of what we're in store for where the world of the future glimpsed in past Terminator movies is the setting for the entire film.
This will be the first non-Arnie Terminator film but don't forget that Christian "Batman" Bale is playing John Connor so when May 22, 2009 rolls around make sure you have the cash to see Avatar and Termi 4.
totally looking forward the new Terminator... Christian Bale tends to do a great job no matter what role he takes
Hi Movie Buff, from what I've heard Bale's role is not a big one with Sam Worthington playing the major role.
You're right though, Bale has taken an interesting path to stardom via non-mainstream films like The Machinist (love it!) and American Psycho. He's probably one of the most dedicated actors currently around.
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